Movie Info
Porco Rosso
In this entrancing tale by renowned Japanese animator Hiyao Miyazaki, World War I flying ace Marco Pagott mysteriously turns from a man into a pig after all his comrades die in battle. Now known as Porco Rosso, the pilot continues fighting air pirates while, on the ground, flirting with a gorgeous club singer. After an attack by a brash American pilot, Porco meets confident Fio, who repairs his plane with her girl mechanics, and sees him for who he really is.
Original Language: Japanese
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Writer: Hayao Miyazaki
Release Date (Streaming): Dec 12, 2019
Runtime: 1h 30m
Distributor: Hayao Miyazaki
Production Co: Studio Ghibli
Sound Mix: Dolby, Dolby Digital
Aspect Ratio: Flat (1.85:1)
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